#7511 - 04/12/03 09:36 AM
Re: Lost Minimoog
Registered: 07/03/99
Posts: 549
Loc: atlanta, georgia, usa
The bad thing about Ebay feedback is that it means nothing . I bought a Yamaha CS-50 from a guy off of Ebay that had a rating over 200+ positive feedbacks . He said it was in good condition and worked perfectly . When I got it , it had all of these modifications that looked like a 3 year old did it . Also it did not work at all , infact it was missing 2 Oscillator boards . He changed his ebay name , changed his email and that was the end of it .
According to a friend of mine ( who I used to work for ) He buys , sells and fixes Hammond organs , he said ANYTHING over 1/2 pound has a tracking number no matter where it's coming from .
Minimoogs haven't sold at all for $350.00 for over 10 years . The book is just an out of date guide line . Everywhere you see a Minimoog for sale it's $1100 or more . When they started to sell for $2000 there for a while , that permantly gained them a place over the grand mark .
Now that the Voyager is out , Minimoogs are even more valuable . $350.00 is a red flag .
The number that you were given is a hoax , according to my friend , when you mail a big package like that , a tracking number is always set it , you pay for it regardless if you want to or not .
He suggests that you get you're money back now . That's not me , this is a guy who ships to and receives from Japan , Canada , South America , China , Taiwan , Middle East , Africa , GreenLand ( once ) , and also over the US .