Wow, thank you very much for converting and mailing me, Mr. StPatrick! It was
very nice of you!!!

Now, at least (no, I don't really hope so

), I'm able to put my two cents to it...

I've heard it a few times in a row. I did exactly not that what you sang, because I closed my eyes. So, I was able to get an imagination. I saw a small keyboard with some more or less nice sounds and then - THE voice started to sing!!!
At this point my imagination changed into something greater. Suddenly I saw a hall with a band - a REAL band. I saw a drumkit with a good drummer (was it Pete York?), a pianist on a grand and some string players in the background. All spots are on the man at the microphone when he starts singing...what a voice!!!

It seems like that the song was absolutely made for your voice. The only things that made MY imagination a little bit lacking were my missing of Shboom's
and the little weakly reverb. I'm sure your new synth will give you a bigger range.
I'm very curious to hear more of you.
Again, thanks for converting
extra for me...