i was just curious to how old everyone was.. and I suppose how long theyve been making tunes. ( not playing instruments but actually recording themselves )
im 20.. and I got into computer music about 3 yrs ago when I stumbled on propellerheads site and got rebirth demo... and then I made some ugly ugly music
24. been playing instruments since age 3. First recording in a real recording studio age 5; with family band. Not just singing a baby song either. First solo project recorded in Nashville age 22.
Registered: 04/14/99
Posts: 585
Loc: British Columbia
My God....I was playing free form when most of you were in liquid form. Me...51 did my first paying gig at 13 Still playing, still writing..... Still breathing
36...started with a sax at 12....discovered wind midi controllers at 32...tryed using a taperecorder which...sucked...got a computer dicovered the wonderful world of midi sequencing....been down hill every sence.
Registered: 11/14/99
Posts: 844
Loc: Punta Gorda Florida USA
Hello..........I'm 43..... started playing trumpet in 3rd grade.......became first chair in "jazz band" thru highschool. Always had a large console organ at home growing up. Never had lessons, but learned to play pretty good by ear. I remember my first "synthesizer" in the late 70's......something radio shack sold..... had all kinds of knobs and sliders and mono only! Wish I still had it.......... Now I love to sequence via computer.......so much easier than the punch in machines from the 80's. Easy to get instant gratification too. Thanks for asking!
tony mads usa
Senior Member
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Leon ..... you're just getting to MIDDLE age ... I've got you by 10 years, and there are players on this board who call ME 'kid' .... started with accordion lessons at 13 ... played first gig at about 15 ... still gigging ... don't do any 'computer' music ... play an arranger and that's fine for me.... ... as Charlie Chaplin said "Just keep warm!!" t.