Those are Typhoon Electronics (Japanese). Came in at $500 Can.
As you well know, you can spend anywhere up to $3500 - $5000 or more for a Roland or Yamaha kit, but let's be many kits do you need???
The Typhoons have 20 pre-sets and allow you to build 10. Hell...I can get by with 2 or 3 variations. I don't need the capability of
500 kits, like some of these things offer.
Basically Nigel,
everything goes hard in to the D3200. I've put together a 12 buss snake for mics and 1/4". I'll post a pic for you in a few days.
I can then run out, by way of either the Pioneer, to 2 small monitors, or to my Yam EMX5000 which runs out to (2) Peavet KB100's.
I'll be replacing my existing Console monitors (reeeelly old twin Boston Acoustics)

with 2 Behringer MS16's within the next few days.
Business is good...and keeping me quite busy obviously.
Good talkin' to ya again Nigel.
[This message has been edited by shboom (edited 09-25-2007).]