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#82222 - 01/30/05 08:05 AM Re: I'm Tired....
DonM Offline
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Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Sometimes I feel burned out also. Then I talk to my wife, who has to work at least 8 hours every day at a very stressful job. We still have a boy in college and one in high school, so we have at least a few more years of "carrying on".
From time to time over the years, I have attempted to go back to a "real" job, and that quickly makes me appreciate being a musician!
One bit of advice--if you have time and haven't done it, go play an hour at a few nursing homes. You will quickly discover how great it is to play for a really appreciative audience. Just do the songs you normally do, they will be fine, and so will you.

#82223 - 01/30/05 08:55 AM Re: I'm Tired....
Tony Rome Offline

Registered: 12/11/04
Posts: 1374
Loc: Cozumel Mexico
Hey Don...That is one great for the folks that are really appreciative of your talent and have to leave felling great and renewed.....GOOD CALL

#82224 - 01/31/05 06:38 AM Re: I'm Tired....
captain Russ Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7303
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Thanks to you all...

I guess Saturday was a down day. I think I'm just tired in general. I'm a full-time caretaker for an Alzhiemer's patient (my father-in-law..over 10 years). The last vacation I had of any kind was 1982 for a week.

I'm also taking a saxophone playing friend to dr's appointments and theraphy at least 3 days a week. He has heart failure, diabetes and is extremely overweight.I'm trying to play all his jobs at an Italian restaurant so he can keep the job and money.

On my jobs Saturday, I thought how much I would miss working. I do get to play 4-5 times a week with others in addition to he singles.

I guess what really bothers me is that no one in my family helps with the healthcare for Doc and no one in my friends family cares enough to help. He as 4 children.

The dath of my friend Mike Allen also put me in a deep funk.

My communications company is having it's best year ever, but the deadlines and late night are horrendous.

Music used to be the thing that made me feel good. It still does. I just have to handle some other things better. Maby I'm not playing enough!

Good to be able to get good advice from good people.

In appreciation,


#82225 - 01/31/05 06:50 AM Re: I'm Tired....
Uncle Dave Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
It's clear that you have alot on your plate right now. Grieve for your friend, prioritize your work schedule and do some "just for fun" playing as soon as possible! Maybe do a free show for someone ... just to separate the "Show" from the "Business"?

Lot's of people feel a drop in energy after the holidays. I think it's natural to come down hard after the high of planning, visiting, parties etc. January is a time for rebirth. Re invent yourself, or at least a part of you and you'll be back, stronger than ever, before you know it !
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#82226 - 01/31/05 07:02 AM Re: I'm Tired....
The Pro Offline
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Registered: 07/09/02
Posts: 1087
Loc: Atlanta, Georgia
Russ - your superpowers are amazing but they have their price.

I too decided that I could do two jobs and so I worked as a computer network manager and still maintained a full gig schedule for many years. At the time my wife and I were caring for her invalid mother and high school daughter too. And then I discovered that I had acute high blood pressure - little wonder. Fate took hold: my mother-in-law passed away, the daughter went to college (briefly - now she's supposedly moving to California with her boyfriend !?!) and the company I did IT work for laid me off. Suddenly, I was free to be a muso again!

There was a time when my every waking moment was accounted for and I could only dream of returning to being a full-time muso, as I have been most of my life. And then it happened and today my life is much better in every way, including bringing my blood pressure under control.

Do whatever you have to so you can take a vacation. Start reducing your responsibilities wherever possible before you wind up on the receiving end of the healthcare. Picture the life you really want to lead in your mind and move towards it. Good luck...
Jim Eshleman

#82227 - 01/31/05 09:37 PM Re: I'm Tired....
DonM Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Good advice Pro. I can identify to some extent. My mother and stepfather (84 and 91) live with us now. We don't mind at all, but it's always something--doctors, dentists, hospitals, fixing meals, etc. Fortunately I'm free most days. My wife works full time and I just don't see any way we could do it if we both worked all day. Fortunately my music is both my livelihood AND my escape.
Russ, if you make yourself sick you won't be any good to anybody. Find some way to ease up a little.

#82228 - 02/01/05 04:40 AM Re: I'm Tired....
SemiLiveMusic Offline
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Registered: 08/28/04
Posts: 2206
Loc: Louisiana, USA
Wow, Russ, it's not music, it's no time for you.

Here's what I see that may help and it may not. Cuz maybe they're selfish jerks.

I'd go to the four kids of your friend and in no uncertain terms, I'd tell them they need to take over carting him around. I would not be mean but I would not be nicey nicey and apologetic. I'd be matter-of-fact and truthful. And I wouldn't ask, I'd tell them. I'm sure you could do it diplomatically but effectively.

Then, if that doesn't work, at least you tried. This is all assuming that they are aware of what all you do. If they don't, I'd be a bit easier. Then again, Dr. Phil might say I don't know what I'm talking about.

But my gosh, it's not like you don't have enough going on in your own family.

Whatever, that sucks. You are going to end up with a heart attack or stroke. Life is short.
~ ~ ~

#82229 - 02/01/05 06:17 AM Re: I'm Tired....
Tom Cavanaugh Offline
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Registered: 12/06/99
Posts: 2133
Loc: Muskegon, MI
Hang in there Russ! I do understand how you feel. I've been there, done that, and may still be there doing that. I have to care for my 87 year old mom, her doctors appointments, visiting her everyday, my day job, teaching two night a week at the college, directing choir at Church, and trying to spend time with my wife and my Grandson. On top of all that I'm dealing with my own prostate cancer and impending surgery. Then you hear some young kid or someone like DonM or Gary who can outplay you blindfolded and you think what's the use. I should just give up and play bingo in my spare time. I wish I had the time, drive,and energy that others seem to have to really learn my Tyros and all the midi and recording stuff.

Then, you have a job where the crowd really appreciates your music, and you see the smiles and the people having a ball dancing and it makes it all worth it. People like us NEED to perform.

Russ you must be a great person to take care of everyone on your list. You must be a great friend to play jobs and give the money to your friend. I'm sure you are a special person. My wife has a close first cousin in Lexington and someday soon hope to be there and to listen to you play and meet you.

Hang in there, and please arrange a vacation for yourself. Tell your friend's kids they need to step up to the plate. It always helps me to learn new tunes. I've been stuck in the BB/Jazz venue of music for 35 years. For me Mustang Sally is a new tune. I've had a ball learning Mercy Mercy Mercy which is not a new tune but it is new to my library. I'm learning country now, working on "Trashy Women" thanks to DonM's help. Apply some new styles to old tunes. I heard Doc Severson do "Here's That Rainy Day" last night on David Letterman. He did it as a slow ballad. I've always done it as a sort of half assesd latin. I'll have to try it as a ballad.

As we age you would think we need less stuff in our lives not more. Your feeling will pass and in time life will get more simple. I'm still waiting for life to get less complicated for me, but it will. Stick with it and the fun will return.



#82230 - 02/01/05 07:36 AM Re: I'm Tired....
captain Russ Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7303
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
It's ironic that there is so much more support from folks I've never met in person(here) than family members who should really step up to the plate. In our family, there is a brother and sister who live less than an hour away. Neither has been here for any of the 4 serious hospital stays in the last 6 months,or for birthdays, holidays, fathers's day, etc. Even though they had 48 hours notice, neither made it down for the death of their mother in December 03. They both did ask when they could access the inheritance on the day of the funeral. Both are building $400,000.00 plus houses with interest only variable loans, with the intention of paying for the home with their inheritance. I'm the son-in-law, and the parents chose me to manage the trusts, because the two kids have each borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars over their lifetime and never paid it back.

Both are now coming to me monthly with requests for money from the trust. I approved several "emergency" loans as interest only loans, and , guess what...neither has made even one interest payment.

The good news is, I've decided to keep playing until at least the 50th anniversary of my first paying job, which will be 1/30/06.

My problem last week was the realization that so many people I know are ignoring their responsibilities...Mike Allen's family, George Gentry's family and my own family. I now know that this is their problem, not mine. 10 years ago, I left a job
I loved, but could not re-locate because I knew if I didn't take care of the ones I cared about, no one would. That's the way it worked out.

I'm over the slump. I enjoy playing, teaching
and running my business.

And I appreciate you folks more than you know.

Best personal regards,


#82231 - 03/03/05 08:23 AM Re: I'm Tired....
Sheriff Offline

Registered: 02/18/05
Posts: 965
Loc: Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Originally posted by captain Russ:
...I'm over the slump. I enjoy playing, teaching and running my business...

While searching the threads this one attract my attention. I'm glad to read that you've crossed the valley and you're on your way to the mountain top again. Your story has touched my soul and I believe there's something more in music then words could explain. It seems that music builds bridges, spends power, clears minds and something more like that stuff.
Capt. Russ, Sir! There's nothing left to say for me than: "Keep on rocking - never stopping!"

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)

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