#82403 - 02/15/05 07:27 PM
Enduring pay cut
Registered: 10/01/02
Posts: 492
Nice title, ain't it?  I'm sure many of the veterans here can comment on this....please share your thoughts: Work for a pretty good company, decent pay, etc..but have grown 'old' at present position (almost five years). Plus recent changes in the dept shifts the morale from friendly environment to 'let's go work at the grind'. Enthusiasm is definitely less than before (going to work with dreams of getting out of the present job), VERY long hours (weekends, etc), new authoritarian(?) management have difficulty in hearing suggestions and very little people skills. Now.... An opportunity may come soon, but you'll have to take a pay reduction (a bit under 10%). This new company is growing, and voted supposedly one of the best to work in the area. Company is MUCH smaller (100 people as supposed to 2500 people), so one may be taking a pay cut. Heard through the grapevine that the people are cool to work with. Everything else about the same as far as compensation (except stock option). Provided you guys don't have credit card issues, and other pressing financial issues (and you're making an 'ok' money at this point, meaning 10% pay cut won't hurt the ability to pay bills etc). Would you take the plunge with that pay cut? Comments appreciated. JLJ
#82409 - 02/16/05 06:00 AM
Re: Enduring pay cut
Senior Member
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 2867
Loc: Tampa, FL
Well, I say NOT SO FAST!!!
I was in the same position as you. I was considered a "High Potential" employee with my current firm and management 6 years ago, then all of a sudden the management regime changed.
I found myself surrounded by self centered, politically minded, arrogant do nothings. (Sort of like the Super Bowl Commercial with the Monkeys).
Anyway, to make a long story short, I became desparate at my job. I now hated my once cherished and loved job. I DECIDED TO STICK IT OUT. Why let some incompetents run me out of town.
I started networking and I did an end-around to my clients by providing them with spectacular customer service and guidance. They in turn propped me up with management and soon I was able to work on some new projects, but in the same position. I then started adding more and more resources to my staff to handle more of these projects, and low and behold I had a small little empire going.
Now, all the incompetents have been either fired or made irrelevant, and I am now the "go-to" guy when people want things done. I have a new boss who loves me and I him. Things are just great and I was just rewarded with a nice 10% salary increase and huge bonus.
My point is; Jobs are cyclical. I chose to be patient; not imprudent, but patient. I stuck it out and also stepped up my efforts a notch to get out of my "Comfort Zone".
So far so good.
My advice; stick with it, but change your attitude to a more positive one and look for opportunity, not a way out!!!
Best Regards, Al
[This message has been edited by kbrkr (edited 02-16-2005).]
Pa4x - LD Systems Maui 28 - Mackie Thumps
#82410 - 02/16/05 07:21 AM
Re: Enduring pay cut
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Originally posted by Tony Rome: If you don't, you'll kick yourself in the ass for the rest of your life for not knowing!!!! I've lived a long life and done lots of crazy things. Some didn't pan out, but as Tony said above, go for it. Of course, much of the risks involved will depend upon your age. If you are relatively young, and I stress the term relative, you still have lots of time to recover if this turns out to be a bade move. If you're an old fart like me, the risk is obviously greater because of the decreased ability to recover any loses. Good Luck, Gary
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#82411 - 02/16/05 09:11 AM
Re: Enduring pay cut
Registered: 10/31/04
Posts: 535
Loc: North Eastern Calif.
[QUOTE] from Gary
Of course, much of the risks involved will depend upon your age. If you are relatively young, and I stress the term relative, you still have lots of time to recover if this turns out to be a bade move. If you're an old fart like me, the risk is obviously greater because of the decreased ability to recover any loses.
Good Luck,
Age is the determining factor. I'm grabbing at 70,in younger years I went thru numerious jobs, never enjoying any, mostly politics, and boredom. About 30 years ago finally got smart and went in business for myself doing what I like working with my hands meeting people and being outdoors, and making all the decisions. (when it's right can't help from being sucessful). So do your thing would be my advise. also keep the retirement in sight at all times, the money on the end is most important for a happy ending...........Pose
Support the arts FEED a Musician Cheers....Pose
#82413 - 02/16/05 12:55 PM
Re: Enduring pay cut
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Yep, just over half my age--but you're catching up!  Wow! I just thought of all the crazy things I did at 33, and I still enjoy some of them. Good Luck on whatever avenue you decide to take, Gary
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#82414 - 02/16/05 03:47 PM
Re: Enduring pay cut
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
After graduating with a degree in accounting, I spent a month as an auditor for a large tire company....HATED IT!
Decided then to only do for a living what I would do for fun.
Sadly, many people spend their whole lives doing things they didn't spend as much time deciding than buying a new pair of tires. They enter the workforce and take the first available job. Then, the kids and bills start and they spend their working lives trying to keep their head above water.
The happy people I know are doing what they love. In some instances, there are sacrifices (think full-time musicians)but they wouldn't have it any other way. The secret is to figure out how to make a GOOD living doing what you love and are good at. Even then, there are compromises. I would rather not write copy about circuit breakers or take photos of air conditioners, but I'm working in the graphics, photography and communications field and I REALLY LIKE IT..even after all these years. I don't look forward to playing Misty tonight, but guess what...I'm STILL PLAYING, even after all these years.
Do what excites you! Believe me, it will work out fine!
Best personal regards,
#82415 - 02/16/05 05:11 PM
Re: Enduring pay cut
Registered: 02/27/04
Posts: 741
Loc: Victoria, British Columbia
At the age of 39, an opportunity came up for me to move to a different position within my employment. Assessing where I currently was, I realized that 10 or 15 years down the road, I'd be in the same job and 10 or 15 years older.
So I took the plunge, along with a $200 / month pay cut. It was the best thing I ever did. I received, and continue to receive in depth computer training. I'm fully proficient in AutoCAD, CAD-map, Arcview, G.I.S., and numerous other graphic programs. I love what I do (which is very important), and looking back at where I was, I know making the move was the right thing to do. I might add that I'm now making more in this position, than I would be making had I stayed where I was. Just my thots....on my situation... your's may be very different. Good Luck with whatever your decision may be.
------------------ ...L
[This message has been edited by shboom (edited 02-17-2005).]