I don't even have my license yet this year. I've been busy. I just ordered a new Yanagisawa Tenor Sax and a P Mauriat Tenor Sax.
The guys on the Sax Forum really bragged about these two horns. They cost a little bit more than the PSR3000 and these guys are comparing them to the $5000 and $6000 Selmers Saxes.
I think I'll go to the store for a license and go fishing tomorrow after seeing you in this picture. If I want to catch something that big, I'll have to go to Lake Powell or back to New Orleans.
Man after looking at you and Donny lately I'm gonna have to buy that Southbeach Diet Book. I mean you guys are skinner than me now and ya'll used to be fat. Let me repeat that! Ya'll was fat!
Maybe you guy's have more will power than myself and others. You're both to be commended. Way to go.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!