I know that one of my grand-grand-grand-parents came from spain about 300 years ago. One head of my grand-family must be gone anywhere around Czechoslovakia because there is also a family with our family name. I never met anyone of this branch of our family tree.
Our family lives in Frankfurt since about 300 years, wow, that's a very long time...

We are influenced by Frenchmen and by relatives from Königsberg (East-Prussia).
I personally don't know anybody out of my family who was older than my both grand-grand-mas who died as I was a small child. Today our family is common on the whole continent from Kiel (in the north) until Switzerland/Italy (in the south). An aunt of mine even lives in spain with her husband. I never met her again since she is living there...
BTW: Did you know that sientists found out that the DNA probes of all today's living people are involved by the same grand-mother in earlier history? Even the Aborigines from Australia are related to us...

So it's not wrong to say: "We are all brothers and sisters!"

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)