Russ, we're alike in some ways... I collect stuff too, but my collection isn't as big as yours

I too like to collect watches, guns, pocket knives, antiques, and othe things.
Not too long ago I got a nice attic find. My sisters house had a bunch of old things from years ago, and among the stash was a 1934 Kodak camera in mint condition and unused film (original boxes and all)... Then at an antique store I find a whole slew of post cards (50 or more) all post marked from 1909. It wasn't really the cards I was interested in as it was the mint condition 1908 Ben Franklin stamps that were still there with no postal marks running through them. I bought 10 of those cards at $1.00 a pop (the stamps are worth much more).
Then I got lucky too... I later had a closer look at the names on the cards. Several of them had "McCoy". I did some checking and found I have cards addressed to one of the main family members from the famous McCoy family who feuded with the Hatfields all those years. Some of the McCoys settled here in West Virginia.
Then I go back the next weekend and score a few tots for the wife. For $1.00 each, I bought mid 1800's victorian make up tins for the wife, that still had rouge and face powder in them. The face powder still has the applicator too.
It's amazing how many antique store owners out there don't know the value of the items they sell... I frequent her store A LOT

**I also like to collect old radios and televisions**
[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 05-31-2007).]