Well, it's a little bit after high noon local time in America! The choice is over and so we have a total result:
Okay, guys'n'gals, the most of you who did a vote here have confirmed the beta version. That means that I have to play the solo!!!

With regard to some of your very constructive critics and comments, that I really appreciated, I will partly change the solo (and some other bagatelles). I hope that I will hit your flavor a bit more...

Thanks again to all of you who invested some time for listening, judging and, at least, voting. I know that you are now waiting for more - especially for the end result of the version you have decided. The recordings will still last a while because there are some more songs to mix. If I would carefully try to do a forecast then I would say that the recordings will all be done at the end of this summer. I will constantly inform you if something new will happen...

Best regards,
Danny Barion
[This message has been edited by Sheriff (edited 06-11-2005).]