Hi all!
Happy holidays to everyone.
I have a non-holiday related question. Sorry if my timing is bad.

Okay so it breaks down like this:
I have used self powered studio monitors all my life. Never used passive monitors for professional studio work really. So I have nothing to compare to. NOt from experience that is.
Right now I want to get a 5.1 surround setup for my main control room and the new Tannoy 5.1 package looks pretty good. Now, the only thing I'm uncertain about is whether I should spend the big bucks and get the self powered version or simply get a passive 5.1 set and a decent amplifier.
According to every tech I ever talked to about this (All of my self powered speakers only lasted me for about 2-3 years tops and after that they were in and out of the shop on regular bases.) claimed that the self powered monitors are generally less reliable and don't last as long as the passive systems (provided of coarse both are treated well).
On the other hand every sales rep I ever mentioned it to swore on their mother's grave that the self powered studio monitors sound way way way way better than the pasive ones.
So what's the deal> What's your experience with that stuff?