OK I admit my original post may seem a bit 'loved up' and idealistic but that is just the way I am. I hate confrontation of any kind, always have and probably always will.
I know I can also sound self rightious sometimes as well but it is never my intention.
I think Pro made an excellent point in that synthzone is indeed the least agressive forum I have been on and I have been surfing the net for years. (when 28k modems were state of the art

) Still for me that is Synthzones charm and I think it worth preserving. Just because it is the norm that every other forum gets devisive and agressive I don't see why it should therefore neccesitate that things be the same here.
Having said that I am fast coming to the conclusion that some folks just love to argue or at least are naturally autocratic. (how is that for a euphemism

) If that floats your boat then who am I to say it should not be so? If that is what you come for and what you enjoy then fine.
It does not mean I have to be party to it though and I refuse to be. If arguments start getting devisive and the protagonist start to expect members to fall into camps of support then leave me out of it. I'll just tootle off to the next topic and leave y'all to it.At least then we are all happy.
Pro, with the greatest of respect, you state that you would not be as polite in real life so why should you be any more so here (apologies for the paraphrasing).
I think there is a marked difference in that in real life I have a choice if I interact with you or not. If I don't like what you say (or more to the point how you say it) I can choose to be in your company or not). Here I have no choice at all. You are as much a member as any of us and have a perfect right to say what you will on any thread topic. Once you have posted it is there for all to see. It is very difficult to ignore a post if one does not agree with it, takes offence or feels slighted and then things get self perpetuating. I think that is why I felt that there is an obligation for us to be more responsible or at least courtious when posting than in 'real life'.
I am not a prude (or an old lady

), indeed my language and behaviour leaves much to be desired at times (so my mother informs me anyway

). BUT surely we all moderate our behaviour at certain times and in certain places? I know that I do when here at Synthzone BUT I do accept that this is a personal choice and I have no automatic right to expect the same from others.
Your analogy of films and bad guys has made me think however and I have to agree that things would be rather bland if we all agreed about everything all of the time! I have lost count of the times I have wanted the bad guy to come out on top in a film. Even I can't twist that round to fit my point of view here

Best wishes to all