I agree with Bill. Nothing works as it should, not even when all components(soft and hardware) used are ready for vista.
It was an interesting expirement, but I went back to xp pro as well.
On paper vista could have been a killer.
The 64bit enviroment has much advantages, unfortunately it just doesn't work as it should, but worse, even on 32 bits version still a lot of problems with unexpected behaviour and way slower as xp pro.
Due to that I didn't even bother to customize vista for my needs let alone possible to do...
On top there are too many automatic handlings vista performs, to get a control over the system which makes it feel very uncomfortable in usage..
Sorry for the english, but I don't know how else to explain in english.
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76