Originally posted by Nigel:
.... but it has been a very cool career for the past 20 years. I started with a Commodore 64 for MIDI sequencing, taught myself to program computers and ended up in the computer/video games industry....
Hey, that's very cool, Nigel!
I also started to program computers on an old C64 (later C128) before I came to an Atari ST after I digged the whole PC technology (BTW: I'm still digging PCs!)...
Wow, what a long time we've left behind us on those keyboards and screens. Even today, the old computer games are IMHO much more funny than newer modern games. They are mostly the same old games but with newer and better graphics. In 1980 I needed 2 hours to play a whole game. Now, 25 years later, I need minimal 2 hours to just know what the story of the game is about...
Things has changed but the fun still is with me!!!
Regards, Danny