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#87517 - 08/08/08 03:18 PM Presidential Race Media Commentary...
Bill in Dayton Offline
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Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2202
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Is anyone else out there in musicland as disappointed, fed-up and insulted with the current state of our political coverage these days as I am?

I am a reasonably bright middle aged man with two college degrees, and do not need to be told how to think. However, the choices we have for information are really lacking.

On our cable system here in Dayton, we have a few news channels...Some like CNN and MSNBC lean left...Others like Fox, clearly tilt right. The broadcast networks tilt left also, while most of talk radio favors the right. Other than Air America which is just crazy talk radio.

On the internet, you can read literally 24 / 7 and still not be entirely sure what you've read. As the most unregulated electronic sphere known to man, the personal opinions are plentiful but questionable in worth.

I keep my XM radio tuned into POTUS while in the car...they seem to be making an attempt to play it down the middle. If they have a Rep. commentary, they'll follow it with a Dem. one shortly after. They broadcast many of the two candidates stump speeches unedited, which I love.

Is this all a function of sales/revenues, period?

It is sickening to listen to Keith Olberman snear and snicker about McCain as he twists unfairly his words. But, just click over to Fox News and Bill O'Reilly and his pals are every bit as pathetic.

Neither is credible in my opinion any more and haven't been for some time.

I think, there is a niche for the middle of the road American who loves our troops, hates the Iraq war, thinks we should explore all reasonable energy options, thinks we should make college and health care both more affordable, but not free...thinks we should protect our borders but not become Isolationists, and so on...

Media wise, however...guys like that are left out in the lurch, aren't we?

I feel better now...not really, lol...

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton

#87518 - 08/09/08 12:23 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
cgiles Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Originally posted by Bill in Dayton:
I think, there is a niche for the middle of the road American who loves our troops, hates the Iraq war, thinks we should explore all reasonable energy options, thinks we should make college and health care both more affordable, but not free...thinks we should protect our borders but not become Isolationists, and so on...

Bill, as an Obama supporter, I'd like to commend you for articulating his platform and positions so well .

Our coverage here in Atlanta (and probably in most of the country) is exactly as you have described it, especially talk radio. We can get Rush Limbaugh on 20 different stations 24/7. If I didn't have a healthy reserve of high blood pressure medication and a high tolerance for pain, I'd have to keep the radio off permanantly. You just have to learn to sift through the BS.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

#87519 - 08/09/08 12:36 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
Bill in Dayton Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2202
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Originally posted by cgiles:
Bill, as an Obama supporter, I'd like to commend you for articulating his platform and positions so well . chas

Well, I've heard enough of his stump speeches, I guess...

If I voted today, I'd vote for Obama and feel better about that vote than I have in any of the last previous two Pres. Elections I voted Republican in...

Still a long way to go...

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton

#87520 - 08/30/08 10:39 AM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...

Years ago I loved talk radio. Also back then I could give a darn about politics. Being older, I understand why it is important to pay attention to politics. But I don't think there is a completely straight-up anchorman or talk show host, they all slant the the truth in favor of their particular position. At least Rush knows he is just in it for the entertainment value.

As for your desires in a candidate; loves our troops, hates the Iraq war, thinks we should explore all reasonable energy options, thinks we should make college and health care both more affordable, but not free...thinks we should protect our borders but not become Isolationists, well take your pick. I'm sure both sides will say those things and not come through in the end for one reason or another.

#87521 - 08/30/08 05:25 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
freddynl Offline
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Registered: 11/17/99
Posts: 1150
Loc: netherlands
I think the running mate of McCain LOOKS great, absolutely my taste

Still IF I was an american I'll vote Obama..

It almost seems we are better covered in Europe with the us political discussions..

Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76

#87522 - 08/30/08 08:23 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
Bill in Dayton Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2202
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Originally posted by freddynl:
I think the running mate of McCain LOOKS great, absolutely my taste

Still IF I was an american I'll vote Obama..

It almost seems we are better covered in Europe with the us political discussions..


Yes, compared to all the other recent VP candidates, she's great...

(I do think its a panic move that will backfire badly on the GOP..,)_

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton

#87523 - 08/31/08 03:50 AM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
ricok987 Offline

Registered: 04/21/00
Posts: 203
Loc: N Brunswick, NJ, US
I reccommend BBC world news coverage on PBS. In Brittan there are no Republicans, or Democrats to blast each other with biased reporting. But then again coverage of the USA goings on is minimal at best. But, I would think that the whole world will be paying attention to the US presidential election since the USA's influence is felt one way or another on every single continent.

#87524 - 08/31/08 01:48 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
squeak_D Offline
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Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Bill I think this move will backfire too.., and will seriously damage McCains run. McCain may have just pulled off political suicide with this VP selection. He chose this woman..., well simply for the obvious reasons... She's a woman (and a darn cute one too). He's trying to hold onto the women who supported Clinton simply because she was a woman.

The way I see it is McCain just shot himself in both feet with this VP choice. He clean blew one foot off and left a nice hole in the other one. McCain has completely lost his argument about Obama's lack of experience. This VP he chose has MUCH MUCH less experience than Obama.., so he can't use that angle without it blowing up in his face anymore.

Some women are insulted by this choice as he clearly selected this running mate based on her gender in a last minute attempt to sway woman voters. Insider reports show that McCain met this women just ONCE before deciding on her.

I will say that one positive thing about this VP runner is that she's a friend to gun owners! Neither McCain or Obama is a TRUE friend to gun owners in this country. This VP runner is a life-long NRA member, and a hunter.., a real hunter too and not one of those who hunt just for political reasons. Hell this lady was out hunting large game when she got the call.

Anywho I still think McCain is going to end up biting the bullet on this one. Obama's compaign is going to eat this womans obvious lack of experience up and run with it..... Boy this is going to be an interesting election year.
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.

#87525 - 08/31/08 02:16 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
mikeathome1 Offline

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 1208
Loc: Syracuse NY
But don't forget, while we're all making predictions, we elected George W twice!!!

Who can figure that out.The world was stunned the second time. If I remember correctly.

#87526 - 09/01/08 08:41 AM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
Mainer Offline

Registered: 10/16/02
Posts: 414
Loc: Saco, Me
News is big business & they all have something to sell it's about ratings not about truth or anything else.

I'm a democrat but vote all over the map I think we have a great democratic Governor and 2 great republican Senators. Fortunatly or unfortunatly Maine is a small state population wise so there is very little graft,corrution or national infuence here.

I had not been enamored whith either of the political choices and for my own reasons would have to vote for McCain very reluctanly.

Time will tell but I think NcCains pick was brilliant!!!! This lady is a Doer not a follower and it looks like she has guts. This may not be the fiasco averythinks it is time wil tell.

The important thing is I'm excited about an election which is something I haven't been in a long while.

This lady is not a member good ole boys club. We could do worse.


#87527 - 09/01/08 04:43 PM Re: Presidential Race Media Commentary...
Notes_Norton Offline

Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 35
Loc: Ft. Pierce, FL , USA
First of all, we didn't elect Bush twice.

The first time the recount was stopped by the mostly Republican appointed Supreme Court before the traditionally democratic areas of Florida were counted. Gore should have won that one (he did win the popular vote).

Second time around there were too many Diebold Touch Screen voting machines with no paper trail. Diebold, the same company that said to Dubya, "We are going to help you get elected". Exit polls showed Bush the loser, the vote count the winner. Something very fishy there.

If you believe either election was fair, I have a bridge to sell you.

Before Reagan I leaned towards the Republican side. But trickle-down economics only made our economy worse.

George Bush follows pretty much the same Reganomics, and what has it brought us? A recession as long as the NeoCons have been in power.

If you think you are better off than you were 8 years ago, vote for McCain. If you want the recession to last at least 4 more ears, vote Republican. Remember, before the Republican landslide, we had a decent economy.

The Republicans talk about lower taxes and smaller government, while the run up the national debt and instead of using cheap government labor, they hire people like Halliburton and Blackwater with big bucks. This erodes the US dollar so we pay more for everything imported (including oil). It is a hidden tax that we will pay for many years.

While sticking to my independent status, and evaluating each candidate by his/her merits, the Republicans are coming out with one strike against them and the GOP candidate has to overcome that obstacle to get my vote.

Right now, Obama has my vote. I hope that isn't the "kiss of death", the only president that I voted for that actually ever got elected was Jimmy Carter. While I didn't vote for Clinton, in retrospect he actually did a pretty good job running the country.

On the other hand, I hate casting my vote for what I consider the lesser of two evils

Hopefully neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will have both houses and the presidency. One party rule seems to be the worst thing. If there is enough two party balance to keep either party from doing much of anything, I think we are all better off, because when they have their way, special interest groups win and we lose.

I'm afraid the American Dream has been corrupted by big business and special interest groups. Instead of a Democracy (which we never had - it's a Republic) we have an oligarchy. And the founding fathers would be spinning in their graves if they knew what has happened to their experiment in government.

Bob "Notes" Norton
Owner Norton Music
The Sophisticats

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