First of all, we didn't elect Bush twice.
The first time the recount was stopped by the mostly Republican appointed Supreme Court before the traditionally democratic areas of Florida were counted. Gore should have won that one (he did win the popular vote).
Second time around there were too many Diebold Touch Screen voting machines with no paper trail. Diebold, the same company that said to Dubya, "We are going to help you get elected". Exit polls showed Bush the loser, the vote count the winner. Something very fishy there.
If you believe either election was fair, I have a bridge to sell you.
Before Reagan I leaned towards the Republican side. But trickle-down economics only made our economy worse.
George Bush follows pretty much the same Reganomics, and what has it brought us? A recession as long as the NeoCons have been in power.
If you think you are better off than you were 8 years ago, vote for McCain. If you want the recession to last at least 4 more ears, vote Republican. Remember, before the Republican landslide, we had a decent economy.
The Republicans talk about lower taxes and smaller government, while the run up the national debt and instead of using cheap government labor, they hire people like Halliburton and Blackwater with big bucks. This erodes the US dollar so we pay more for everything imported (including oil). It is a hidden tax that we will pay for many years.
While sticking to my independent status, and evaluating each candidate by his/her merits, the Republicans are coming out with one strike against them and the GOP candidate has to overcome that obstacle to get my vote.
Right now, Obama has my vote. I hope that isn't the "kiss of death", the only president that I voted for that actually ever got elected was Jimmy Carter. While I didn't vote for Clinton, in retrospect he actually did a pretty good job running the country.
On the other hand, I hate casting my vote for what I consider the lesser of two evils
Hopefully neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will have both houses and the presidency. One party rule seems to be the worst thing. If there is enough two party balance to keep either party from doing much of anything, I think we are all better off, because when they have their way, special interest groups win and we lose.
I'm afraid the American Dream has been corrupted by big business and special interest groups. Instead of a Democracy (which we never had - it's a Republic) we have an oligarchy. And the founding fathers would be spinning in their graves if they knew what has happened to their experiment in government.