Whatever our disagreements we are ALL Americans (except those living here illegally of course; or those who have not "yet" become U.S. citizens by choice but are still residing here legally).

One of my main concerns about Obama is that we don't really know the man that well. He has been less than forthcoming about his earlier years in college and also the time when he was in cahoots with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. In fact Obama himself denied access to information about himself to the public during those certain college years of his, and one can only imagine why?? Was it because the information contained therein would have made his run for the presidency more difficult, if not impossible, to acheive?? Why did he renig on his promise to the American people of accepting public financing for his campaign - something he told John McCain in writing he would absolutely do? Was it because by limiting his campaign to public financing he wouldn't have been able to raise the "excessive" amounts of money he needed to, in my opinion, "steamroll" his way into the presidency? Since he broke his trust with the American people over public financing what makes you think he will keep all of his other commitments he has made to his 'constituents' or to the American people as a whole? In other words, if a man will outright lie to the American people over one issue, what makes you think he will tell the truth about other things he has spoken or promised he will do?
Obama has spoken many "lofty" words, saying he will do many "lofty" things for America and the "middle" class. Words are fine, but actions will be the only determining factor when 'all is said and done' and when the resultant 'push comes to shove' and the 'rubber finally meets the road'.
So in truth, what do we currently have to go by - Obama's "words" or his previous "actions" from his political record? When a person says one thing yet for the most part his previous "record" shows the direct opposite about him, what are we to believe?? His words or his "record"?? >> You all can sort that one out on your own..

Now, can a man suddenly make a change for the better? Yes he can if he wants to. The sixty four thousand dollar question with Obama is: Will he?? Or does he even care to???
These next four years will tell us one way or the other what his real plans for America and the American people are. If his previous "record"

is any indication (not his lofty words) my advice to everyone is to HOLD ON TIGHT TO YOUR WALLET, while in the meantime, PRAY for God's MERCY upon this great land of ours in the coming years ahead, and particularly in these next "four" years of his presidency.
