well I guess the people have spoke....
Now I hope the guy surrounds himself with smart people..not politicians...
And make the moves that will make a difference..
Number one..stop allowing imports (products) from China and other countries..we do not need these junk products...Keep Americans working..even if we have to pay more...and yes ..reduce welfare..it is highly abused...
Election results may also been a factor..people looking for something free at the expense of others..
And no, I am not bitter..I didn't care who won..The President is the fall guy....Presidents don't put us in recessions...Congress does...
Now that President elect .."talked the talk"....lets see him "walk the walk"
And while we are wrapping up politics...for those that think USA is evil....I would like to see us watch our borders and support our own for a change...Let the world fret for themselves for a while..

Ian how many bedrooms do you have? Can Palin come too..