#88014 - 01/02/09 12:16 AM
Re: Pray for peace in the Middle East..
Registered: 03/04/06
Posts: 533
King: Aren't you the OP of "The Safe Zone: where you can drop off your thoughts safely". Where your first line was "I’m hoping Nigel doesn’t mind me trying this idea out." Apparently you have no issue with going off topic.
Lucky: Yes, King….I’m the OP of “The Safe Zone.” Maybe that’s where I should have posted my thoughts on this subject and then I would not have had a Kingfrog, the Guardian Angel, and Chief Monitor of the SynthZone go on the attack. You see, the only thing that can destroy the SafeZone is Kryptonite. And I don’t believe they sell Kryptonite in MB! Not even on the Black Market!
King: How do you justify "allowing" safe places to post ones thoughts regarding anything yet deny another the same?
Lucky: Because I set up a “safe zone” thread and the other person did NOT! The Safe Zone happens to have impenetrable walls, is surrounded by a force field and an electrified fence topped with barbed wire and has a moat full of crocodiles. It cannot be infiltrated by those who would do me harm. Amen, brother!
King: If I went to "weight watchers" and someone asked the group to pray about something they fell strongly about, as a believer who puts his beliefs far above his "weight" I would do the exact same thing and support and defend the person making a simple request. Then move on to food.....
Lucky: King...enough with this “believer” stuff! I’m a “believer” also. I walk with the Almighty One as much as YOU say you do. The only difference here is I don’t flaunt it.
Lucky: And as for talking about “praying for peace in the Middle East,” I can guarantee you your membership would be revoked in a heartbeat if you started talking “current events” at a place where people meet to discuss how they’re going to lose their next 20 lbs.
Lucky: Reference you readiness to “defend” the other person…. I believe “other persons” who do posts here don’t need a “defender.” Maybe you could use your “defender persona” to battle crime in Gotham City with Batman & Robin or maybe join the Red Berets in Harlem.
King: Its OK..no one is TELLING you to pray for anything....Someone is asking...
Lucky: I don’t come onto the SynthZone to “pray.” I come here to discuss making music. That is something YOU should be doing rather than standing around playing Guardian Angel. You’re making this scenario sound like a Jimmy Stewart movie.
King: Sometimes people feel so strongly about something so painful to them they seek the support of those they are most close to. There is nothing ever wrong with that. Ever. There is always a time and a place for that.
Lucky: Yes, and the time and place is NOT here. Oh sorry about that….I almost infringed on the King’s own set of rules.
King: Its 7 words! SEVEN WORDS Read them, ignore them, get angry,judgmental,whatever AND PASS. I have not even opened one single Obituary thread. I'm not interested. I won;t go into the thread and post my distaste or offense at the subject!!! Freddy Hubbard is dead. He had a great life. He will be enjoying a greater life now. Sad for those he left behind. OK. No need to open the thread. No need to school the OP on the appropriate nature of the post as it relates to "General Arrangers"
Lucky: Well good for you...and good for me too...I don’t have to take the time to respond to this paragraph!
King: By passing on the thread you allow the faithful to help and comfort. IS that such a bad thing? The non believers and non interested can move on. The OP is comforted to know he is not alone in his feelings and maybe just maybe feels a little better knowing others he shares a special interest with care a little bit too.
Lucky: This is what churches are for, and support groups, and counselors, and therapists, and wives, and sometimes even talking to the “wall” helps, maybe even your pet! I belong to other music groups on the Net. When subject matter like this is introduced, it’s hustled right out the back door within a day. The members in those groups are busy talking about music, and they don’t want their momentum to be interrupted with “off-topics.” This is something YOU should be doing (talking about music) instead of “hanging” around playing the part of an SZ police officer.
King: NIGEL is the ONLY forum cop. Apparently he feels some empathy for the event and/or poster and is not offended by something that is bigger than any Arranger keyboard and for a single moment in time will allow someone to ask for prayer using 7 words out of millions in the forum.
Lucky: It wasn’t a “single moment” in time” that passed on immediately. It would have been if you had not chosen to drag this thing out with your rather taunting follow-up post. It appears that YOU are the one who wants to rule this nest and make your own rules here and Heaven forbid if someone should express a thought that doesn’t measure up to your standards.
King: I applaud him for allowing the small deference to the subject at hand.
Oh and you can call me "Frog" Its more appropriate
Lucky: I’d rather call you King, because apparently the Frog part of your name takes a distant 2nd to the “King” moniker.
Now, what exactly is the beef here? Where did I upset “his Royal Highness?” Is it possible you’re jealous of me because I happen to be a player and you’re a talker?
P.S Please do me a favor and make your rebuttal to what I wrote here short (oooohhh...I KNOW there will be a rebuttal). Although I type fast, I'd rather spend this time practicing the keyboard. Something you might want to consider yourself.
[This message has been edited by Lucky2Bhere (edited 01-01-2009).]