The think the old fogies sit close to usbecause they are usually the parenta os the guests of honor, and they want them up close o the limelight. Bad place for someone that likes quiet......until now.

I have already admitted in the post that I haven't tried the amp you have, but I played a few other Motion sound models.
My gripes are (in no particular order)
dispersion(yet to be proven)
mixer coltrols at my fingertips.....
I'll check one out before my 30 days is up with the Bose, but I'd be real surprised if the "room filling" characteristic is even half as good. Remember, my system has to progect vocals all over, while that's not a priority for you.
We'll see..... I didn't expect the Bose to be this good, I didn't think the Panthers would beat the Rams (or US), I didn't think I'd be a single father at 48, and I didn't think I ever be satisfied with a mono system.
Times change, I suppose.
As to loosing signal or effects in mono - I've never found a mono mix to be "emply", just less active. In the case of the Bose - it's so alive and ever-present, that the stereo issue hasn't come up yet. I'll have to hook another amp up just to see if it can be enhanced further, but I'm so psyched at the thought of just using a single tower. There ARE 3 separate amps in this unit....maybe is possible to tap into them somehow, but then, you'd loose the DSP internally, and chance blowing upi the tiny speakers. I'm not gonna get too creative with hookups. It sounds awesome - people are RAVING about it and I'm going to leave it AS IS for a while.
Don't worry, I'll continue to puch the envelope a bit and see if there are any drawbacks. I'm not a Bose embassador .... just a guy looking for a better way to be heard.