Hi Mario! Just to let you know, we sent our e-mail to you once again. Please let us know if you have received our e-mail and please answer our questions as soon as possible!

Thanks for everything Mario and if you still did not receive our e-mail, please let us know.
And, by the way, I really like the CD cover to the left! It is an excellent CD cover and, like many here pointed out, the one to the left is perfect for the theme of your album, "Looking Back". May I make just one more suggestion, though, if you don't mind? To me, the title of the album "Looking Back" is too small on the left cover and seems to be kind of hidden in the background. Maybe you could enlarge the title to make it more visible, so that it stands out more? However, it is clever how you put the title on the music sheet in the background.

Let me know what you think.

It is an awesome cover for your album!
Again, let us know if you received our e-mail and we are looking forward to creating an awesome website just for you, Mario!

Thanks a lot and see you around,

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