Finally! The engineers at Yamaha Japan came up with the correct System Exclusive sequence to make the PLG150-DR drum expansion card work with the 9000 Pro on MIDI channel 10 without having to assign it to a right hand voice. I knew it had to be possible but after all this time I'm floored that they came through! And the sound is incredible. Plus the DR's OPT voice editing panel works very well in Sonar so I can tweak the drums while my sequences play back - that was my original goal. This only works with midi file playback, not with styles unfortunately (despite Yamaha's admonition that this would be the case, I've tried several work-arounds anyway - no dice yet but I'm continuing to try). Since I already had a PLG150-PF piano expansion card with 64 notes of dedicated piano polyphony in my 9000 Pro, the DR card adds 32 notes of dedicated drum polyphony for a total of 224 voice polyphony - the most powerfully outfitted 9000 Pro to date. Woo-hoo!
Here's the SysEx file for the record:
XG System on (F0 43 10 4C 00 00 7E 00 F7)
XG Part Assign (F0 43 10 4C 70 05 00 09 F7)
Track10 Bank Select MSB= 79
Track10 Bank Select LSB= 0
Track10 Program Change = 0 (0 origin)
Make sure the 9000 Pro is set to receive SysEx in the MIDI setup.
I know you're all gonna want to know what this sounds like. It'll take some time but I'll try to create and post some comparison MP3's this weekend. I can tell you already that to my ears the DR card has better drum samples than the stock variety in the 9000 Pro, most notably in the cymbals which have much longer sustains and seem clearer - perhaps they were sampled at higher resolution than the stock cymbals, but I'm just guessing. Plus there are far more drum kits to choose from than the stock 9000 Pro selection and I can change the pitch, pan, ADSR, and apply insertion effects to the individual drum sounds. Some sounds are sampled with effects already.
Too much fun. Now I'll have to retract half of those bad things I said about Yamaha. Maybe a nice thank-you email to everyone involved will do the trick.