#92943 - 11/08/02 06:16 PM
Re: did genesys die off?
Registered: 08/13/02
Posts: 222
Loc: Malta
Hi all, just to straiten some thing out. I am a Genesys owner, and I reside is Europe. Now about the the bag I have one which was given to me by the company for free, because I have ordered it before August, so bags you can find. Secondly I am not interested any more to talk about it in this forum , no offence to anyone but all I have heard here is is Tyros,PA80 and a bit KN keyboards.
I am a pro and I work 7 days a week and I know what I am talking about. the Genesys is an ALL ROUNDER for people like me who works in all kind of enviorment. IMO Genesys is the best keyboard for live giging. weather you play styles or play mp3 or use midi files or want a harmoniser rich with many sounds and I mean goooood sounds.the touch when you play the genesys is fantastic so i can't see any keyboard getting near it. But unfortunatley Gem is not a very renound company in the us so that is why it is not so popular, but let me tell you this, the guys at general music really look after thier clients , to give you an example I send an email at 8.30 am and by 10.30am I had a reply. this thing about how heavy it is I think it is way tooooo much exagerated, it is heavy, but I manged to carry it everywere.
Let me give you some advice, go and listen to one cause it's a keyboard for all tastes, don't be pushed away because it's not so popular I know that Gem will get in the states cause they have a state of the art keyboard. any questions you have I will happy to reply, I am a very experience user and a technician on Gem keyboards.One more thing the price in europe is about 2600 Euro and remember you have a hard disk,vocaliser, output for Karaoke, input for a mic,CD WRR and you can burn your work on the hard disk. at no extra cost.
#92944 - 11/08/02 08:22 PM
Re: did genesys die off?
Registered: 09/23/02
Posts: 109
Ziggy, no offense... butI think you missed the point of the prior posts...
One simply cannot find one to play in the US - that's probably why the focus on Korg, Roland, Yammy and Ketron stuff. I will always play/audition any instrument that I intend to spend THAT much money on. I did with the PA80 I own - many times before I bought it - after I traded up from a Motif. (LOL).
I live in a major US metropolitan area, there are no registered Genesys dealers here, and I have not even seen hide-nor-hair of a single model, let alone heard one, [anywhere else other than on the internet].
So I think you're being a little more defensive than necessary...
Regards, Steve
#92945 - 11/08/02 10:04 PM
Re: did genesys die off?
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
Folks, I am a Generalmusic dealer in Southern California and I sell and stock the Genesys. Ziggy, I agree completely with you regarding the quality of this keyboard and that with all it has to offer, it is actually a bargain for all you get. The Genesys in my store sells for not much more than a Yamaha TYROS with speakers, and after you add a hard drive, it is within a few hundred dollars of each other. The Tyros does not sample or load new samples, the Tyros does not have a CD/RW drive or have the ability to play MP3's. The Tryros does not have the ability to record live audio into it and store this in the hard drive and then burn it to the CD......My point, like your's, is that the Genesys is an awsom keyboard and everyone that hears it in my store thinks it's great! Generalmusic, like Ketron does not have many dealers in the US for a variety of reasons, but when a musician walks into my store and see's Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Ketron and Generalmusic keyboards, the Genesys stands out as one of the best and the price is justified once you've seen and heard it. Generalmusic will have their own soft and hard case in January for sale in the US and the 61 note version without speakers will also be available at the time of the winter NAMM show. George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene Reseda, California 818-881-5566
[This message has been edited by George Kaye (edited 11-23-2002).]
George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years) West Hills, California (Retired 2021)
#92946 - 11/08/02 10:14 PM
Re: did genesys die off?
Registered: 12/03/99
Posts: 732
Loc: Phoenix, AZ USA
I agree with Steve's post. I also live in a major US metro area, and when I asked the two GEM dealers here they said that they were not planning to be bringing a Genesys into their showrooms. The price they indicated to me was around $4000 US - no small potatoes.
I know that GEM representatives do monitor this (and I am sure other) forums. They know which users are asking for what in their product. IMHO, they have consciously decided not to make an arranger with the features which most of us wanted (like light weight, lots of polyphony, moderate cost).
I don't mean to put down Genesys, having not seen it, heard it, or been able to touch the keys. Indeed, having heard you and other users extoll the virtues of this keyboard, I made an effort to visit the dealers. But as I found out, they have no plans to carry it or promote it.
Regrettably, this puts Genesys out of the running for me.
Regards, Alex
[This message has been edited by Alex K (edited 11-08-2002).]
Regards, Alex
#92947 - 11/09/02 12:24 AM
Re: did genesys die off?
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
I think that one of the purposes of this Forum is to help each other sharing what we know. When I did buy my 9000 pro I had another chance to play the Genesys; besides, since the owner of the shop has a friendly relationship with me, we went over the Genesys on a "friendly" basis (i.e. he was speaking not like a shop-owner trying to sell things, but like a musician). Here are the conclusions to which we both came: - The Genesys styles are heavily influenced by the trend set by Ketron (in other words they are aggressive and "in your face"), but Ketron offers more variety and also a better selection, from this point of view. - The sounds are really good; the overall sound, however, is kind of aggressive and is geared towards contemporary music. If you are into lounge-ballroom music the Genesys might not be the right choice for you. - It's true that the Genesys is an "all in one package" keyboard (remember the old "workstation concept"?), but for the same reasons is a compromise of some kind and is not "state of the art" in any single area. For example, it's true that you can do hard disk recording, but once you have recorded a track it's done: the editing possibilities are almost non-existent; with a PC and a program like Sound Forge, Cool Edit Pro or Sonar you can edit even individual notes and cut and paiste at your will. And yes, it's true that the Genesys has a CD-writer (the brand is LG, incidentally), but every computer today has one, maybe faster. Finally, the hard disk is just 2 Gb and this looks really like a weird choice, considering the present availability of larger models at a really low price. In my case, as you know, I decided to buy a 9000 pro instead and I don't regret it. Cheers
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.
#92948 - 11/09/02 02:24 AM
Re: did genesys die off?
Registered: 08/13/02
Posts: 222
Loc: Malta
Dreamer, I agree with you on the matter that we are here to share experience with one another, But since I own a Genesys and have been giging with it for over a month now, I can tell you that people are impressed with the sounds of this keyboard,and I think that's what counts, not what we like but if the audience where pleased or not and I perform in the top Hotels in my country.I don't know what kind of demo you had on the genesys but I think you are a wee bit wrong about it, I have been using Gem products for some time now, and like all other keyboards you have to get use to it's system. I don't agree with what you said about the ballroom music. that is one of my speciality, cause I play every Saturday for people who come for ballroom dancing. One thing I want to point out is that it is important that you hear a keyboard not in a shop but at live performance and with anampliefied PA system. about the Hard Disk recording it's true what you said that you have to take it in one take, but the result is outstanding and very pro. here we are talking for a quick setup, you can never compare any editing on a keyboard to a COMPUTER non of the keyboards that exist can do what a computer can do, we all know that. but for a quick recording it is great and with good results, about editing is non-existent you have just two editing facilities but they work very good, 1 is remove or add silence at the beginig and end, and Normalise VOLUME where the volume will be increased or decreased. these are both for .WAV and Sample sounds. I would like to point out this thing about GEM keyboards, I don't know what system they use on Korg and yammy but with Gem if you don't understand that you can set the reverb for every instrument you have in the mix you are playing, the result will be a disaster. unfortunatley when you go for a demo they play everything as it comes from the company and not to your likining so that's why most of you make the wrong judgment, I am talking now from my experience I wish I could be in the states to show you what I mean. I sometimes download midi files (cause I use them for my singing) and when I set the reverbs and tweek with a wide facility of editing they sound 100 times better, to give you one example.About the hard disk true small and let me correct you about the capacityit it is 1.4 gig and not 2 but if you want can upgrade it to 10 gig's.About the [state of the art] keyboard, that is for live performing, you can't take a computer with you to performe, although now you find who use Leptops, I thought here we comparing keyboards and not computers.
I'm glad you are satisfied with your psr don't get me wrong got nothing about yamaha keyboards, but my point was from the beginig that genesys is a great keyboard and it is not getting what it deserve, So you have to make more pressure in the US so there will be it's availabilty and I myself am going to contact a friend of mine in Gem company to try to get him and come to this forum if possible so we can have a first hand on this wonderful keyboard.