Hi Brickboo,
EMC makes a style conversion program for most brands of keyboards including Korg.
Years back,I used to own a korg i2 arranger ( 76 note version of the i3) and it had some of the best style creation functions available in it's day.
I'm not familiar with your Korg i40??
so not sure what style creation features it has. I seem to remember though, that with the korg i5m module I owned after the korg i2
I was able to load styles, but not create them (except via emc).
Can you record styles, or is it a function they've left out?
Vaguely in the back of my mind, I remember reading about a midi to style conversion utility for korg keyboards. If that's the case, there'd be nothing stopping you from creating styles for your korg keyboard , even if it doesn't have style creation functions.
I used to use either XG Works or One Man Band
software for creating/converting ( not sure which you'd call it) psr styles to my KN7.
Both of these programs load psr styles.
All I did was create a midifile from the various psr style parts, intro's Endings Variations, save it as a midifile. The KN7 had a function called song to style, which is same function as midifile to style in the psr programs available. So it was a case of load it in to the kn7 then extract style parts from the midifile. I used to do any tweaking, vol adjustments, program changes etc in the kn7 itself, including a bit of drum remapping when required. Actually worked quite well.
I've also tried the OMB/XG Works method with my SD1+. Unfortunately there's no midi to style program available so, I still create the midifle from the psr style, but I record the various style parts to the sd1 via midi & a sequencer. I do all the tweaking / editing / or creating required either in OMB or the sequencer.
http://www.gnmidi.com/ Look Under GNI Style there's an interesting program for Korg.
best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by brickboo:
[B]Why don't I see a style maker for Korg arrangers?