#93706 - 11/07/02 08:23 AM
Re: VOTE: Which Yamaha Arranger Piano Sounds BEST?
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
My humble opinion: The 9000 pro has more depth and more bass, but it's the best also in the higher registers (hear the final notes). The expansion board has less bottom than the 9000 pro and sounds synthetic in the midrange and thin in the higher notes. The Tyros is the less natural of the three; with the other two you can at times fool yourself thinking that you are listening to a real piano; with the Tyros it is evident that it's not an acoustic instrument. Maybe due to this synthetic nature, it can be more "relaxing" than the others (the sound is overall mellower). However, while the excellent performance of our pianist masks their limits in the Moon River sample, when you listen to the C major walkup all three pianos show their pitfalls, but of course we all know that if a digital piano is already an acceptable compromise -compared with the real thing- an arranger piano is just a compromise.
So my vote is: 1) 9000 pro 2) 9000 pro exp 3) Tyros. Final consideration: from this test it's difficult to believe that the 9000 pro and the Tyros share the same piano multisample.
[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited 11-07-2002).]
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