Hi all,
A few days ago I've tried EMC Styleworks 2000 (the demo).
I converted a Yamaha style (I believe it's one of Simon's styles) to Gem WK2 (I own a Gem PK7 and it suppose to be 100% compatible with WK2/3), I've saved them to a brand new floppy disk.
Then I loaded the styles in my keyboard, but while loading, my keyboard crashed
I turned the power off and then on again.
Then I converted an other style, saved it to another floppy disk, loaded it, it crashed again, but this time when I switched my keyboard on again, everthing was mixed up
, the upper voice was changed , and so were the layer and lower.
And the auto accompaniment didn't work either.
I was afraid that my keyboard was totally broken, thank goodness that it worked again after I did a full reset.
But I still don't know how this could have happend by a style.
I don't recommend EMC Styleworks 2000 to anyone who owns a PK7