I am getting somewhat fed up with a couple of things.
Firstly, anyone who has anything negative to say about the MS, from listening to demos, official or otherwise, is immediately branded as someone that doesn't 'get' what an 'open' keyboard is all about. Nothing could be further from the truth. I (and probably a LOT of detractors) know EXACTLY what an 'open' keyboard is all about. The truth is, it is nothing more than a hardware, keyboard encased version of what we have been using for many years now... A computer. Running multiple simultaneous audio programs. There is absolutely nothing 'groundbreaking' about it whatsoever, other than the fact that it is in a keyboard form, and integration is tight between the hardware and software (which CAN be achieved in a computer).
It is possible that we are ALL thought of, here at SZ, as nothing more than retirees with Casio's and cheap PSR's (or Roland's or Korg's, don't get your dander up
) who barely understand the difference between MIDI and audio. You would think so from the 'you don't get it' comments about the MS. Rubbish! There is a quite sophisticated and knowledgeable base of posters here, who MUST be getting tee'd off at the constant harping about how dumb we are...!
The mistake comes from thinking that just because all the different elements have been assembled in a case with a keyboard stuck on it, it MUST be something new. IT ISN'T. I've been using ALL the different components (DAW, VST's, GIGA streaming, MP3 playback, audio time compression, software arrangers, etc., etc.) for years now. So have MANY of the posters here.
"Open' is being used as a mantra for those that think it must be better, because it is different. Open DOES have it's advantages, flexibility being the primary one. But a 'closed' system has many advantages, too... Chief of which (especially for arranger operation) is the VERY tight integration between styles and sounds. The styles are developed for the specific soundset of the arranger. That's what makes it sound so good. Translated styles, as hard as they may be tweaked, rarely, if ever, sound better on a non-native arranger. They can still sound good, yes, maybe even better than some of the built-in styles of the destination arranger, but rarely do they ever sound better than the arranger they come from.
So, 'open' or 'closed', they both have their strengths. But it IS possible to 'get it' and still realize that 'open' has it's problems. Chief of which, for Dom, is the fact that he can't afford to develop sounds and styles for the arranger section of this 'open' keyboard. So he steals them. Pure and simple.
And sadly, the very people that keep telling us we don't 'get it' are the very ones that fail to recognize the difference between sampling an acoustic instrument, or out of production synth, and sampling an in-production arranger (whose entire soundset WAS developed legally) so their unsuccessful product can salvage itself in the arranger market.
The differences between sampling and re-sampling have been explained in detail by Irishacts' James, and there appears to be NO wiggle room on this issue. Be careful, especially US readers, where intellectual property still IS protected to a far greater degree than other countries. MP3 sharing always WAS illegal, even during the Napster days. It just wasn't enforced quickly enough. But you ARE still liable for them if ever discovered. The same will apply to re-sampled soundsets, once the law gets off it's fat a$$! That hefty investment in an MS might not seem like such a good idea if you are forced to go back to Dom's soundset...
The second thing I'm ticked off at....?
Attacking the messenger, NOT the message. If the only ammunition you can come up with to refute the points that many of us have made on this issue is to ask us whether we are blameless first, before we can criticize a corporation for piracy, well, that, in my apparently 'arrogant' opinion, is simply side-stepping the issue.
If we have ALL got to be saints before we can expect ANY ethical behavior from our corporations, and even, dare I say it, our governments, well, we are in for some very tough times...!
But who knows, maybe that is why things ARE so messed up lately... I've got some illegal MP3's on my computer, so it's OK for my government to invade another country... I'M not perfect, why should they be?
Absurd, isn't it? But that's what our detractors are saying, in short. So get off MY case, and try to figure out whether what Dom is doing IS unethical (whether the law has caught up or not).