2 subs, or NOT 2 subs? That is the question!
Yes, I had 2 for my single tower, and this just spread the love around perfectly. The added distance made a smooth bottom that seems to really fill the room. (Heck - ONE tower fills THIS room !)
The experiment went very well, (as expected) but I doubt that I will use the twin towers (no disrespect intended) in my weekday club rooms. It's just not neccesary, and takes more time to set up, tear down, uses more floor space etc ....
I can't wait to do a DJ job - they should really shine in that application. The biggest kick from the added spread was in my vocal harmonies. When I engage the Digitech .... WOOOOOOSH ! 5 of me - everywhere around the room. It's awesome. (I knew it would be)
I've been thinking of the benifits vs. cost/time and all that and here's my summary:
1) Sound quality is superior to ANY system I've had so far. This includes the Mackies, EV's, JBL's ... ALL of them. Better progection, better looking, better transporting.
2) Design is easier to fill an odd shaped room. Much better low volume coverage than any other system out there. Higher volume situations also shine - better dispersion. No "loud" spots. It's almost the same level all over the room. Freaky, but true.
3) Quick, neat setup. No speaker wires to tangle up. No racks of heavy amps to stack. No odd shaped (eon) boxes to TRY to stack in the car, or on a dolly. Both towers, Bass bins, kb, stand and laptop all fit on my Rock n' Roller (medium size) cart. One trip from the car does it !
4) Price: Hmmmmmm ... this one is personal. I get RAVE reviews from clients and patrons. I get smooth, clear sound that covers any room and any volume level. I get a high tech, cutting egde visual addition to my shows. I have people sitting right in front of me now, that would never have done so in the past. (Maybe my change of deoderant
has someting to do with that too...)
5) Bottom line: It's a definate winner across the board, and I am sure you'll see these popping up on stages all over. When you factor in all the benefits, the cost is very well justifyed.
You can say that "pretty good" is OK for your sound, or you can spend a little more and get "Great" instead. Do the math and you'll find that the $$ is not that far out of reach for all you get.
a)750 watts of power - $600 (approx)
b)internal crossoxer/EQ - $400 (low side)
c)tri-amped speakers/bins - $1200
d)covers - $100
e)wires - $75
d)"back strain" - "groin injury" - ?$?$?$?$
_____________________ add it up!
$2375 (approx) for something that's:
See a pattern here?
It's an EZ decision once you look at the whole picture. If all you need is casual gear ... then the old way of thinking is fine, but this is the wave of the future, and the advantages are well worth the investment. Actually, the SAVINGS are why I did it!
SAVES time (set up)
SAVES aching backs
SAVES space
SAVES hearing
OK, OK ...... I know you're tired of hearing this .... go hear the system for your self. ON YOUR STAGE ! Buy one, try it and then make a choice. It was a definate "no brainer" for me as soon as I turned it on.
Good luck everybody. (Like JBL, Mackie, EV etc .......