Very interesting Deaton!
That is a brilliant observation and one that may well indeed be true and forthcoming. And sooner than we may realize too.
Smart Media is limited to 128 Mb's in capacity which is meagerly compared to other Formats like SD (Secure Digital) and Compact Flash cards.
Unless the Smart Media specification is somehow expanded to enable greater capacities, I think it will go the same route as the Floppy Disk but in a much shorter time frame. The Floppy Disk is obsolete technology that is of limited value in today's high tech world. Apple no longer sells Floppy Disk Drives in their computers. Many PC's no longer come with a Floppy Disk drive. Although the media is still available, the concept is totally out of date and becoming useless (beneficial) as a viable storage means.
I think the same thing is happening to Smart Media only at an accelerated pace.
I hope Yamaha is taking note of this phenomenon and acting accordingly.
PS: Don't come crying to me Yammie when the bottom falls out of Smart Media technology and you're left holding the bag. I have already voiced my thoughts about what I think of Smart Media and its limiting storage specification and its usefulness as a viable storage medium. And I have warned you of its continuing use in your Keyboard products. PS: The excuse of using it to make it backward compatible with other existing products doesn't cut the mustard anymore.
There, I've warned you again.

I hope you guys finally listen...
Best regards,