Originally posted by Roel:
What I think has happened :
The G70 that was delivered form me, had the old' software and styles. The style were boring and simple.....
I hope I'm right in this?
Originally posted by Roel:
What I think has happened :
The G70 that was delivered form me, had the old' software and styles. The style were boring and simple.....
I hope I'm right in this?
Hi Roel,
You probably know I also have my eye on the G-70 so I was unpleasantly surprised by your experience. Although I respect your opinion and thank you for your review, I still find it difficult to believe that Roland 'missed the boat' that much.
I hope it's partly because you are so very used to the Ketron SD1 that the transition to any other keyboard is a bit of a shock. But since Roland is in such a great rush to get the G-70 on the market it just might as well be that your particular instrument was still one of the pre-production models. If so it's inexcusable of course but would explain a lot! I hope Roland is reading our discussions!! Hello??
Since some of you have better experiences I still have my hopes up and will try it out as soon as my schedule allows it. Will be after Christmas though.
Anyway, I hope you like the PA1X even more than the Ketron!
Tom NL