WOW!!! Congratulations Squeak! What a wonderful miracle: a new life on this earth!
First of all, I pray that your family has a prosperous, successful future spiritually and physically and that you grow together as each day progresses! I hope that you all share the most precious, memorable experiences together that you can look back on and remember!

It is so amazing to actually hear that a new life has been born into this world, that is the biggest miracle in the entire universe: a new life!
I know that you and your wife will make great parents and raise a wonderful family! Families are the most precious things in this world, they know each other in a way no other human can share, they share the most special memories with each other, they talk and share their feelings freely, and live for each other and promise that they will always be there forever! I also pray that your wife makes a speedy recovery and that your child has a promising future full of good health! My family and I have always discussed how strong women are, because they have to carry a heavy baby around for 9 months and then, on top of that, give birth and than devote her entire life to her child! My Mom has been there for me ever since day one and has devoted her entire life to me and my brothers! I am the way I am because she provided me with love and a peaceful atmosphere here at home!
Well, congratulations to you! I also want to congratulate Larry as well for becoming a new father just recently, 3 months ago! I also wish you and your family a prosperous, successful future spiritually and physically! Wow! Now we have two new Dads on this forum!
Life is full of miracles...Enjoy your new family and have fun spending precious time with them,

PS: Uncle Dave, sorry for the bad news.

I am glad that everything ended up ok and that your daughter is safe. There is nothing worse than the news that something bad may have happened to your family member...again, I am glad that your family is safe at home.