I just discovered a strange problem connected with the new Yamaha "ArrangerWorkstation.Com" website,
http://arrangerworkstation.com which has affected my computer.
When I joined the the "ArrangerWorkstation.Com" on January 11, 2004, an html file called 'viewforum' was automatically created and placed in my Windows XP: C:> Documents & Settings > Local Settings > 'Temporary Internet Files' folder. I was able to figure out that this file has something to do with the "ArrangerWorkstation.Com" website because when obtaining the properties of this file, it shows it's internet address as:
http://arrangerworkstation.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=2 When I run Norton System Work's ' Web Cleanup' utility to cleanup/delete my computer's temporary internet files , it comes back stating that this specific (cached) file 'viewforum' contains an error. The Web Cleanup Utility attempts to repair/remove it, but can't. I then go into the 'temporary internet files' folder and try to remove the file manually , but when I attempt to delete it by dragging it to the 'recyle bin' (trash) , I just get the Windows message: "Cannot delete file. Cannot read from the source file or disk".
Also, I ran all other Norton SystemWorks Utilities (AntiVirus with lastest virus def updates, etc) and everything comes up clean.
1. Does anybody have any idea what the purpose of the file 'viewforum' is for?
2. Is it actually required in order to sign onto the: "ArrangerWorkstation.Com" website?
3. How can I delete this file?
Thanks in advance for advice and feedback.