If you really don't like the psr9000, sell it instead of doing a equal trade for a psr2000!
Sell it for what you paid for it ... then get a psr2000 for 1/2 the price!
Your WIFE will be happy! And you will too ... if you really,really, really like the OTS feature on the psr2000.
Then when your kn7000 comes you will be a very happy man. The vocializer in the 9000 or 2000 is 1,000 times better then the one in the technics (according to what others have been saying) ...
Good Luck in making your decision.
P.S. I had the money and wanted to like the psr2000 ...went to the store 2 or 3 times to buy it... but it justed seemed cheap to me ... my GUT FEELING said NO and no amount of head thinking or reading or Forum talk could change my GUT SENSE ... then after a few months lots of others started to notice the cheap quality of the board. But while everyone was raving about it a year ago... I was shaking my head and thinking I must be missing something! Obviously there are alot of good things about the psr2000 too, and if YOU'RE GUT is telling you to get it ... GO FOR IT!!!

[This message has been edited by rgtaa (edited 07-27-2002).]