Manual (short version) Although all functions are quite self explaining, there will be a complete manual soon. Until then just a few hints: 1) To receive a sound from the JX-8P, push the "Get Sound" button and then select the sound at your JX-8P (by using your JX-8P "Tone" buttons. If neccessary, push the "Bank" button first) 2) To modify the name, click with the mouse into the "Name" field, change the name and then push the Tab-key on your keyboard (for some reasons the return-key doesn't work...) 3) You have to specify the OMS-port you want to use (Especially if your Midi modem has more than one in- or output. You can do this by selecting the menue "Midi-Settings" and then choosing "OMS Settings". 4) Default settings are Midi channel = 1, in- and output port = 1