So you've made an adapter, inserted the SFG-05 the wrong way,
blew the YM2148 and need to program an new EPROM? No? well I did
once. Fortunately I was able to get the ROM from another CX5M, but
you might not be that fortunate.
Until now: I've saved the
SFG-05 ROM and some cartridges in case you have similar problems.
All ROM images start at 4000h exept for the SFG-05 cartridge (which
starts at 0000h) Please contact me if you have any
SFG-05 ROM Image
YRM-101 FM Music
Composer (16KB)
Manual (PDF, 1.2MB)
YRM-102 FM Voicing
Program (16KB)
YRM-103 DX7 Voicing
Program (16KB)
YRM-104 FM Music
Macro (32KB) **
Recorder (32KB)
YRM-303 MIDI Macro
& Monitor (32KB)
YRM-501 FM Music
Composer II (32KB)
YRM-502 FM Voicing
Program II (16KB)
YRM-506 FB-01 Voicing
Program (32KB)
* To
upgrade the SFG-01 cartridge to a SFG-05 you have to connect address
line A14 from the EPROM (IC104, replace with type 27C256). Solder a
wire between pin 27 of the new EPROM to pin 35 of the side slot
** Henk Koekoek has
sent me scanned articles from MSX Club Be/Nl Magazine which
describes how to use the built-in speech synthesis on the Music
Macro cartridge. Click here to read