Yamaha DX7 Series
MIDI Control Program
Copyright (c) 1996 - Karl Schmidt
I wrote this program back around 1992 to help me enter DX7 patches into my DX7IIFD synthesizer
without having to deal with the cryptic synthesizer interface. All the MIDI commands should be
recognized by all Yamaha 6-OP synths. I now release the program as FREEWARE with the following
license agreement:
You are granted the right to use and to make an unlimited number of copies of this
software. You may not disassemble, decompose, reverse engineer, or alter this file or
any of the other files in the package.
This software is provided as FREEWARE and cannot be sold. This restriction does not
apply to connect time charges, or flat rate connection/download fees for electronic
bulletin board services. This software can not be bundled with any commercial package
without express written permission from the author.
The author of this program accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from the use
of this product and makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied,
including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. This software is provided as is, and you, its user, assume all risks
when using it.
Given this, enjoy the program. If there is anything that you would really like to see added to the program,
write me an e-mail. Have fun creating some new sounds!
Karl Schmidt - August 18, 1996
The purpose of this program is to allow the user to enter patches into a DX7 series synthesizer simply.
IBM-PC compatible computer running DOS (DOS shells from other operating systems may work)
MPU-401 compatible MIDI or sound card (I/O address must be 330H)
Yamaha DX7 family synthesizer (any Yamaha FM 6-OP synth, tested on DX7IIFD only)
Command List
At the DOS prompt, type ‘DX7’ optionally followed by the synth’s MIDI exclusive channel. For example,
if the synth’s MIDI exclusive channel is 5, type ‘DX7 5’ at the DOS prompt. If no MIDI exclusive channel
is specified, the channel will default to 1. The program starts with the default patch in the computer’s edit
patch memory.
Main Menu:
1. Enter Patch into Synth - Moves to the patch edit screen.
2. Initialize Patch to Defaults - Initializes the edit patch memory to the default patch.
3. Initialize Patch to Synth Edit Buffer - Initializes the edit patch memory to the synthesizer’s edit buffer.
4. Select Program Change - Asks for a program number between 1 and 128. Once entered, the computer
sends a program change MIDI message to the synth.
5. Send MONO/ALL Notes Off Message - Set the synth in mono mode and turn off all notes.
6. Send POLY/ALL Notes Off Message - Set the synth in poly mode and turn off all notes.
7. Send Active Sensing Message - Send an active sensing message to the synth.
8. Change System Exclusive MIDI Channel - Prints the current MIDI channel and asks for a new MIDI
channel. The MIDI channel must be between 1 and 16.
Q. Quit - Exits the program.
Patch Edit Screen:
While in this screen use the cursor keys to move between the patch parameter fields. Any field can be
edited by pressing the space bar and then typing the character or number that is prompted for at the bottom
of the screen. In addition, all fields that contain numbers can be edited by simply typing in the number
when the cursor is located at the desired field. If this data entry method is used, entering single digit
numbers into multiple digit fields will require typing a 0 before the desired single digit. Example: If the
desired algorithm is algorithm 1, ‘01’ must be entered in the algorithm parameter field.
Q. Quit - Moves back to the main menu.