The ASM-1 Synth is a DIY build your own synth project page.
Audio Technical Information
A small but unique collection of documents describing some Roland & Ensoniq disk formats and also
some Oberheim & Alesis sysex charts.
Blacet Research
Electronics for music. Blacet provide a number of kits useful to the DIY synth builder including
filter, envelope circuits plus more.
Bobby Nathan's Keyboard Articles
Some selected articles on midi, SMPTE and other related topics.
CCRMA - Stanford
Center For Computer Research In Music And Acoustics. Provides info on current research.
DSP Tutorials
are also available in an FTP directory for download.
CPS is a realtime interactive programming environment for audio, MIDI and other media & I/O.
Dance And Technology
Troika Ranch is a dance group using sensors to control MIDI
DIY Midi Controllers
DIY MIDI controllers using PIC microcontrollers and Basic Stamps.
DIY Projects
Colin Fraser provides DIY projects to build an analog sequencer and 808/909 clones.
DSP Dimension
Programming information. Provides explanations and C source for time stretching and pitch shifting. Also explains Fourier Transforms.
Sell Lightfoils and explains how to replace the foil in your LCD display. Has examples
for the Casio FZ-1 and the Akai S-1000.
Home of Miditools available as a kit or pre-assembled.
E-Music DIY Archive
Lots of good info for synth DIY info here.
DIY projects and circuits including a vacuum tube synthesizer.
Midi tech site. Some good Midi info links & resources Include midi messages, timcode, sample dump standards charts. See the
Midi SpecPage
FLAC is Free Lossless Audio Codec with builds and source available for most platforms.
It provides lossless audio compression and decompression.
Frequency Analyzer
Freeware Windows software that provides frequency analysis. C++ source code is also available.
FM Synthesis Theory
The theory behind FM synthesis explained. Also see Music, Synths & TV
for more info on FM synthesis.
George's Unit Cube
Linux midi driver for PC serial ports.
GS-XG-GM Visual Basic
Some MIDI utilities along with Visual Basic code to help you understand how to control MIDI under VB.
Günter Nagler's pub
Midi utilies for MSDOS & Unix. Free for non commercial use. Source code included.
Harmony Central
Highly recommended for all instruments.
Some good technical resources & schematics on building
MIDI interfaces on the Mac, PC and Amiga, as well as
the Midi Resource Page. Also see
MIDI Software Development Tools.
The Synth Database is a great resource, and can always use input from
synth users to build it up further.
Guide To Professional Midi
Hinton Instruments provides indepth technical midi information.
Norwegian analog synth repair shop that provides mods with schematics
for a numbers of older analog synths including ARP, Sequential Circuits, Korg, Oxford and Roland.
Also factory patches available in audio file format.
JavaMIDI is an API for developing Java MIDI applications. Available for both PC and Mac (OMS required).
Joe's Modular Synth
Joe's modular synthesizer that he designed and built. Also some details of other projects
including the MIDI Processor and deluxe Oberheim 4-Voice Interface designed and built for Lyle Mays
Music compositionin Java. A library of classes for generating and manipulating music
John S. Allen's Music Page
John shares his views on instrument design plus provides Cakewalk info & resources.
Jürgen Haible
Lots of good synth info and pictures here plus synth mods and schematics are available.
A MIDI programming language and interface to develop your own MIDI apps.
Full source available plus executables for Win95/NT and Linux.
Logical Design Tools
LDT Inc make Universal Eprom Programmers for those that need to burn their own chips for OS upgrades etc.
Linux Midi + Sound Pages
Software links, Linux driver & plenty of other info related to midi & sound running on Linux
Mac Midi User's Internet Guide
A great site that explains how to handle midi files etc. found on the Internet
on the Macintosh. How to set file properties, software and much more.
Mark Glinsky's Home Page
Mark is a collector of manuals & documentation for older & now unsupported synths.
Maximum Midi - C++ Toolkit
A commercial Win95 C++ midi toolkit for programming midi applications with ease.
MIDI Gadgets and Info
Phil Rees UK make MIDI accessories including merge, thru boxes, monosynth interfaces &
sync units. The site also provides good technical info on SMPTE/EBU Timecode and
MIDI Footswitch Project
Project to build your own MIDI footswitch.
MIDI Hardware Kits
Offer a large number of MIDI controller kits to build.
MIDI Microcontroller Kick Pedal
Archive of an electronic project to turn a kick drum pedal into a midi controller.
MidiShare is a musical operating system for Macintosh, Windows and Linux.
MIDI Solutions Inc
MIDI solutions make a ton of cool MIDI processing devices and control hardware. Also see John Fast
for custom MIDI solutions.
Midi Specs
A collection of documents detailing MIDI specifications.
Midi Technical Fanatic's Pages
Midi Technical Fanatic's Brainwashing Center provides lots of good information and resources for those
wanting to have more than a basic working understanding of midi.
MITA International
Musical Instrument Technicians Association.
MMA Site
Midi Manufacturers Association site. Midi information & membership info. Also all MIDI specifications
are available.
Good technical Midi content in covering both hardware & software. Very
good FAQ pages for every midi user. Also the home of the Hardware Web with lot's of
including building your own PC midi adapter.
Source code archive for computer DSP programmers. See TobyBear
for links to other DSP related sites.
Musicians Tech Central's Focus On
Focus On Craig Anderton that features a number of links to Craig's stories online.
Some very valuable articles can be found here. Craig has many years of experience in music tech
and related journalism.
Neil's Webbly World
DIY synth module articles and pictures plus some past magazine projects.
NoSuch MIDI is a set of Java classes and native methods for doing MIDI on win32 systems. It is capable of MIDI device input, system exclusives, realtime scheduling of output, and reading/writing of Standard MIDI Files.
Nuuj's Links
A lot of links to interesting DIY and music electronic sites.
PAiA Electronics
All types of electronic kit projects and components available, including the Fatman analog synth.
PC Technical Manual
For DIY computer musicians Harmony Central provides an online technical manual showing
standard computer port pinouts.
Phil Ree's Music Tech Page
Phil makes a variety of midi devices including midi thru, midi merge, SMPTE, tape sync
and also midi line drivers for transferring midi over long distances.
Palm Pilot - Robert Pointon's Pages
Examples of Palm Pilot MIDI software for the Nord Modular and also see his Pilot Serial Interface Pages.
Resonant Frequency
Lots of of good DIY material here as well as links to many other resources.
Rogus Bogus
For Win 95/NT Rogus McBogus is a C++ library that allows fast and easy development of programs that can receive, process, and transmit MIDI data.
Sound Doctorin'
An informative website providing information on analog synths and for DIY synth builders.
It also provides an archive of synth information.
Super Collider
A synthesis programming language for MacOS and is available to download. Source code is available also.
Manuals, schematics and info on many classic synths.
Synthesizer Of Schematics
Schematics and auto calibration for many brands of synths. Be warned there are popups with this website.
Synth Fool
Includes patch sheets and schematics for many vintage synths including ARP, Sequential Circuits,
Moog, Overheim, Korg and Roland.
Synthpage of Geir Kilsti
This archived page of Geir Kilsti has diagrams showing the pinouts of the Soundblaster MIDI port and
also provides documents with the specs of SDS, SMF, GM/GS and also MIDI controller numbers.
Sysex Commands
A guide to sysex hex commands, what they mean, how to use them & hex-2-decimal translation
Hosts a number of synth DIY websites. Very good info for the DIY enthusiast.
Synth DIY Page
An archive of a past DIY page with some resources, schematics & service manuals for some analog
Synthesizer Network
Info on various analog synths, related books and midi/CV interfaces.
Synthesis Technology
A resource site for building, repairing, modifying, and learning about analog music.
CEM database and price list.
Sysex Commands
An archive of a page explaining MIDI sysex communication.
A database of sysex messages for many synths plus it is the home of SyxLibEd a freeware
sysex manager for Windows.
Technotoys - Midi Tools
Technotoys (makers of Seq 303 software 'analog sequencer') also provide some great
free Windows midi tools including Musicalc for timing calculations, Midi Hack and Midi Thruway.
Tidal Music
Provide DIY synth and MIDI projects.
Visual Basic Code
A collection of MIDI utilities as well as some examples of MIDI code that you can use with Visual Basic 3.0 or above.
There is also an included a spreadsheet that accesses MIDI functions as well. EXCEL 5.0 or 95/97 required.
Virtual Sampler SDK
A soft wavetable synth engine SDK to use in your own applications.
Wavetable Synthesis
Harmony Central provide an Acrobat document providing the technical details involved with wavetable synthesis.
Your First Synth
Info on making your own DIY synthesizer.
Zel is an interpretive midi programming lanuage for Windows.
Zicweb has a number of small DIY projects available for building your
own MIDI hardware.
Zorin offer basic HC11 microcontroller boards, accessories and
add-ons for particular tasks including MIDI data handling.