Originally posted by jxuereb:
jd i dont know but maybe reviewing a little the original tyros may give you an idea of the improvements from I to II. I believe you have already checked out all known t2 demos?

Yes i have seen all the demo,s ofcourse (lol) And the datalist of T2 is huge... I have the T1 myself and ordered a T2. Hopefully end of this month it's in.
But what i like to hear are some homemade MP3 or midi files. Pref. T1 midi so i can learn from others. (Still a beginner lol).

And for the one's who mist it, here are the links again for the Michel Voncken Demo 160MB 2 files RAR WMV from Piens.be.
http://rapidshare.de/files/10211550/Tyros_2_Demo_Michel_Voncken.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.de/files/10212205/Tyros_2_Demo_Michel_Voncken.part2.rar.html