Originally posted by jxuereb:
It is a good idea but it has a drawback:

Most of Peter Baartmans' and Michel Voncken's songs use styles that are exclusively in T2 only, which means that a simple song will take a lot of time to play as MIDI as drum patterns and phrases have to be recorded manually. Remember that the big showcase of T2 is the huge style repertoire, and obviously in the demo these new styles will be played to give an idea of their quality.

Still a good idea, and spending some time with the songs is worth it - i simply get inspired to learn those songs just by hearing the T2 demos of them (and that includes oldies back to 50 and 60s)

I will upload some songs asap (i have voncken's musette in particular even if it may sound a bit different).



The idea was precisely for T2 owners, using its internal styles. The transcription would help

- to have the chord sequence and the best style for a specific song.

- to use break / fills / variations in the best way

- to learn tips on how to play the different voices T2 can offer (guitar..)

I also tried to figure out Voncken's musette (the short piece he played in the official demo. If anyone knows the title ?) I just have the correct chord sequence and the original melody but no flourishes yet (I'm not able to make it sound like him ;-(
So it's not very nice to hear. But it's a start for...practise !
