Soft, hard, click or no click, all that REALLY matters is MTBF....... mean time between failure, and dust and moisture resistance (really, part of MTBF).

I can get used to most button feels as long as the action is consistent and positive, but I tend to hang on to my arrangers for at least five years or more, and actually PLAY it for up to 30 hours a week, so reliability is my overall concern.

Manufacturers have to understand that the primary play buttons - ones that are constantly being used (Stop/Start, Variation and Fills, break/mute and part select) - tend to get hit with close to the same force that we play the keys. It is VERY hard to scale your force back for a quick button press and then go back to banging the keyboard, so these buttons ESPECIALLY need to be very strong and reliable.

BTW.... Roland decided to take the 1/2 measure fill function off of the front panel and give it a hidden place in the touch screen menus (you CAN put it on an assigned switch or footpedal, but there are few of these to share between MANY needed functions). A very poor design decision.......
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!