lets face it life ain,t easy,we all have problems,whats that saying about putting an old head on young shoulders,if you are one of the very lucky few who are born to multi-millionaire parents,well no matter the problem, money can solve all of your problems,but i don,t think i am talking to any of those here,we are born into a world full of pressure,and we become more aware of it when we first start to work for a living,politics good and bad ,well we are in the middle of it and the tough life affects all of us,and sometimes it puts us under so much stress we could explode,ever had a close friend who has been a buddy all of your life turn on you?if someone shouts at you and threatens you,no its not nice ,but what is that person going through?we don,t walk in his(her)shoes we have enough problems of our own,we are sad at others loss and we cheer at their gains (unless we are jealous)sometimes we say something and wish we hadn,t,,,,,well when you are ALL OLD you are going to look back and say i wish i hadn,t said that or done that,if only i could have had my time all over again,,,,well you can,t you get just 1 shot at life,so now is your chance to make those changes NOW,ok you may get someone honking their horn at you or wanting to cause a fight ,what are you going to do punch him on the nose and feel good and then maybe regret it,we can carry on with the thought WELL I WAS RIGHT,does it really matter, REALLY,mike