Tony, you NAILED IT!

I've said before that if we all lived in the same town, we would all be chasing the same jobs...we'd be competitors. Sadly, I think that, today, competition isn't always friendly. Entertainers have egos (we all do).
We have to believe in ourselves, and sometimes, civility goes by the wayside.

I'm here for the duration, due to folks, young and old (Pennywizz to Bebop). If I ever think I can't learn, I should give up.
Phil has renewed my faith in young people, and BeBop is to be admired as a jazz standard bearer who is still open minded enough to explore. How GREAT is that? AT 15, Phil knows more about computers than I'll ever know, and I'd LOVE to get a chance to play and learn from our Cruise ship playing buddy!

Lets ALL commit to cutting through the crap,
appreciating what Nigel makes possible and
and exploring the "wonderful world" of music together.

And, above all, sharing is what music is all about.

Best PERSONAL regards to all,
