UD ... Sounds like a great gig (I know you hate the word, but I don't and I'm used to using it.... certainly not trying to 'throw it in your face'...) you've got going ... Of course there are going to be some regulars, especially if you are in the same place for any length of time ... I've had some over the course of years that I actually knew when, what and how they were going to sing ... And I really enjoy a good guest star that I can do backup and harmony to...

One of the funnier routines was a guy who asked if he could 'sing' a song, but told me I had to sing with him ... the tune was "For the Good Times" .... We start the song and I don't hear him singing, and I realize he is in front of the stage, LIPSYNCHING to my vocal !!! ... This was his 'shtick', and every week someone would ask him to 'not sing' "For The Good Times" .... At least it was better than some of the 'singers' that would come up ...

Of course other 'players' can be an even bigger problem ... I had this 'sax player' who would sit in and I had to try to remember what measure he left out of what tune as he was playing .... BUT, the people thought he was great!!! Why? ... because he would 'growl' and 'honk' and wave that horn all over the place as he played....
God I LOVE this business ....

... Also, as UD said, you HAVE to be mindful of the 'other' clientele who are there to hear YOU, not other 'guests'....

[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 12-02-2002).]
t. cool