It might not be too late to inform Yamaha of our wish list for the successor to the PSR3000. It will probably come out next summer. There was only a year between the PSR2000 and PSR2100, but they were nearly identical keyboards. There were two years between the PSR740 and PSR2000.

Anyway, what features would you want for the keyboard? Please stay practical. I don't think it's practical to ask for aftertouch or weighted keys or sampling.

Here are some of my wishes:

1. Dedicated effects on/off button
2. Dedicated harmonizer on/off button
3. Dedicated echo/harmony on/off button
4. Natural voices from CVP keyboards
5. Something sturdier than Smart Media
6. Improved harmonizer with more realistic harmonies
7. On preset styles, associate them with suitable multipads instead of Live Drums being the default multipad setting for almost every single style
8. More footswitch capability. Maybe create a dedicated five-switch device that can be purchased separately and used with the keyboard. I think many find the MFC10 unwieldy. Even so, there are many functions you cannot access with the MFC10.
9. USER voice names being called up properly
10. More Yamaha quality styles available for purchase via internet
11. If I'm in style variation C and I press BREAK and then button C again, there is no auto fill in. It sounds bad. Fix this.
12. If a registration style cannot be located, it would be nice to have a screen stating this and the option to locate the style. This instead of the style just not calling up.
13. Ability to meld styles and change groove in real time.

Please add as you see fit.
