After first performing at Frans daughters wedding last year with the Bose PAS.... I had another opportunity this week to go to a local Guitar Center with Fran and really give it a full performance volume private test drive using my 3k keyboard and mic in the pro audio sound room with the doors closed.......OMG what a great clear pure sound........I pumped that baby up and did about a 20 minute song set full force as if I was on stage.....I was so impressed that I will be buying one next week....Highs were searing, Lows thumped, My vocals came thru the mix with outstanding brilliance, .the clarity throughout the whole range was excellent�.easily adjustable with the included remote control�..its so unique from top to bottom and well worth the $1999.99 price tag too, it will be so easy to transport also vs. my current system [Mackie 350�s/w/Roland sub� I know what Uncle Dave, Eddie Shoemaker, & Gary Diamond are all raving about�.I cant wait to try this BOSE PAS system on stage�
I�ve heard nothing but good things about it. If you get a chance you should give it a tryout ASAP!!

More to come for sure���.

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 07-20-2005).]