//Vic83, actually the Motif ES can handle up to "1 Gigabyte" of Sample RAM just for the record. //

Yes I know but Then how come Yamaha is not advertising the 1GB

//And yes, I agree with you that I would have rather the Motif ES have USB 2.0 capability too. But let me say this; if for example you had 512MB of Sample RAM data on the Motif ES to transfer,- even though the largest Smart Media Card is 128MB and you couldn't transfer all the data to the SM Card; you could buy an external USB Storage Device, ie., Thumb Drive, Flash Drive, USB Hard Drive, IBM Micro Drive, etc., which range in size from 32MB all the way up to '120GB' and larger. So you COULD transfer the Sample data that way by using the USB port on the Motif ES.//

So your saying Add Another $250 atleast to the motifES's price if you want one of those 120GB USB storge or one of those $700 1GB memory cards? then it goes to the price of the Triton studio don't you think?

//The time it would take to transfer 512MB's is approximately 16 minutes over the Motif ES's USB port to an external USB storage device. But once the data is ON the USB storage device and if your computer has USB 2.0 ports and the USB Storage Device is USB 2.0 capable, then the time to transfer the Sample data onto your computer will take "MUCH" less time to do because USB 2.0 transfer rate is up to 480MB/sec//

So IF your preforming on stage and you got a computer with a USB2.0. then the motif should be loading fast which is a good thing. but if your at home or preforming and using the onbaord sampling. with MAXING out the "1GB" RAm and want to/exchange/save your work, you have to wait 32 MIN for the Keyboard to transfer the samples to the computer right? don't you think that too much waste of time?

//But like you said, it is what a person needs in a Keyboard that is 'important' to him, and he has to base his purchase decision on that need. I am glad you are happy with the Fantom S and I am in no way trying to dissuade you from your purchase. But when you have the chance to demo the Motif ES in person; please do so, and don't just rely on MP3 demos to convince you to buy one or not. //

So far after hearing alot of factory demos for every yamahas and then demoing the units it self. I have been disappointed and though the demos pretty much shows you the best the yamaha keyboard can do. and that is "my" own experince with yamaha keyboards. I do the same with rolands, find demos, listen and then finally go check out the board. what I find in the rolands is that it makes me creative when you start mixing sounds and tweaking it your self. you can really take the roland sounds to unlimited points. again that's my own experince and my own opininon.

So what ever makes you happy, go for it. it's as simple as that .

Best regards,