Originally posted by vic83:

You have both choices. you can buy sample CDS and load them in the fantom or you can expand the fantom's 64MB rom sounds to 320MB OF WAVE ROME DATE! .

That's great. So if I understand correctly, a person may chose to pay more to expand the wave ROM, or pay less money to get the sounds they need using the other approach. Since I usually prefer to pay less money rather than more, especially when the end result is the same, having the expansion slots is not a benefit to me, that is worth mentioning.

Originally posted by vic83:

No roland didn't lose. the FantomS is just not for you that's all .

This is exactly the problem. While I presently own two Roland boards (and would not be averse to upgrading my G1000 to the new model, should it prove worthwhile), there is nothing in Roland's current lineup that I have interest in using. Judging from the sales figures which RolandFan cited above, I am not alone. Therefore, Roland did lose.

I believe in healthy competition, and would like to see Roland continue to be a force in the musical instrument market. That is why I am hoping that Roland will be interested in reversing the downward direction of its sales chart, and will offer something that I (and others like me) would be interested in buying. Otherwise, the competition will take care of Roland, in which case all of us, whether we own Roland instruments or not, will be worse off.
