Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
AJ, I don't know about you but for a GM Wavetable not to accept program changes seems to deminish its value. This is an issue with many of them. I guess you can always use the sounds for other purposes.

Thanks for your information on this.

Your welcome Frank. I agree btw. Of the 5 Plugsound modules I have, the GM is the only one that I find to be of little use to me, though it can serve some purpose when I sketch songs quickly in FL or Sonar, in that initially I only have to open one module.

Although later versions of Hypercanvas added the ability to read patch and banks changes, I have never gotten it to work properly. Not such a big deal, because Hypercanvas is fairly good, but certainly not the cream of the crop and and not as good sonically ( to me of course ) as Plugsound's GM module.
