Originally posted by Mosiqaar:

Also Scottyee I tried a couple of those programs but they all seem geared towards training your ear to catch the right note. Is there a program that will train you to HIT the right note?

Hi Mosiqaar,

Good question. A few years back, I used an excellent 'ear training' software made especially for singers, called "Claire", which analyzes the pitch you sing (via micrphone into the computer) and helps develop your ability to hit requested note pitches (as well as short vocal phrases) 'right on'. I was amazed how it was able to catch pitch inaccuracies only a minute amount off pitch. This software is (was?) only availabe for the Mac platform. Here the only link I could find for it: http://www.auburn.edu/time/Claire

It would be great if there were a PC platform version of this (or similar) software out there. Anyone know?
