This is a fun topic! My list is not as impressive as some of you posted, but here we go:

Technics KN-6000 (exp. to KN-6500): current keyboard. Acoustic piano’s and guitars not as good as on my previous Roland, but overall a better sounding instrument. Brass, saxes and flutes are very good. Good and very inspiring styles and lot’s of programming possibilities (I only use some of them). Midi file playing less user-friendly than Roland and needs lots of changing of settings to make midis sound acceptable. Impressive internal amplification and speakers!

Roland E-600 (hi Fran!): a lesser-known Roland arranger, but a very good one! Offered great value for money. Impressive stereo acoustic piano sample(s), guitars, vocals. Most of them perhaps better than of some keyboards currently on the market. Good midi file playing. Standard factory performance-memory settings poor, never used them.

Technics KN-1000: I think it represented a new generation of arranger keyboards. I had great fun with this one. In it’s time it was hard to beat and I can’t remember the competition offering anything better at the time.

Roland RA-90: not an arranger keyboard, but a module version of the Roland E-70. I used it connected to a Yamaha HS-6 electr. organ. Not easy to operate while playing, but at the time it was very good sounding with great styles.

Yamaha HS-6: ok, not an arranger but an electronic organ. I bought it together with my dad when I still lived with my parents. Had a lot of fun playing it. Played several organs that my father owned before that, but listing them would be really off-topic.

Tom NL
Tom NL